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Meet Yuri Park, A Lost Spirit in Midli

Today we wanted to give you a little more info on a character many of you have been curious about! Yuri was one of the main lost spirits featured throughout the campaign, and today we want to tell you a bit more about her. For Louise especially this is a character she feels a strong connection to, and we are sure there will be many of you who might relate to Yuri's experiences.

Name: Yuri Park (박유리)

Age: 25

Background: Korean

Occupation: Student


Yuri is an adventurous girl in her 20's who struggles with the uncertainty of her future. Having attempted to pursue various fields of education, dropping out, taking time off university to try working, then coming back to university Yuri feels she can never really figure out what the right path is for her. She is an idealist and a dreamer, not wanting to settle for a mediocre life, though this also leaves her wondering if she will ever find something which will really make her happy.

Myers-Briggs Type: INFP

MtG Color Pie: Blue, Red, Green

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

DnD Alignment: Chaotic Good

Yuri's world in Midli will be themed around forests and a feeling of wandering and getting lost. You've already seen a lot of these from our Kickstarter page, and her full world will be available to try out soon for those of you in the closed beta. Here is a work-in-progress look at Yuri's in game character, which our artist James is working on animating:

We hope you have enjoyed getting to know Yuri and we can't wait for you to discover her story once Midli is ready!!

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