Louise on Founding a Games Startup
Our co-founder Louise Leolin was recently interviewed by We Rock Tech on everything from what it's like to establish a games startup, to what it takes to run a KickStarter!
In other news, our Midli KickStarter has been up for a week now and we are very close to hitting 50% of our funding goal, so thank you so much to everyone who has been backing, as well as sharing our story on social media!
We will actually be doing a live stream (through KickStarter and FaceBook) on the 31st of August with a Q&A so you can already start sending in ANY questions you have, be it about Midli, or what our favorite sandwich is! You can send in questions through commenting on this post, or anywhere on our social media (including through anonymous on Tumblr) just make sure to tag it "Q&A" so we know to answer it during the live stream.
See you then!